

珠胎[zhū tāi]



珠胎 双语例句

1. 珠胎是什么意思

1. 小小的通货膨胀有如小小的珠胎——它会继续成长下去的。
    A little inflation is like a little pregnancy—it keeps on growing.

2. 珠胎是什么意思

2. 小小的通货膨胀有如小小的珠胎——他会继续成长下去的。
    A little inflation is like a little pregnancy- it keeps on growing.

3. 小小的通货膨胀有如小小的珠胎--他会继续成长下去的。
    A little inflation is like a little pregnancy - it keep on grow.

4. 小小的通货膨胀有如小小的珠胎——他会继续成长下去的。
    A little inflation be like a little pregnancy - it keep on grow.

5. 珠胎在线翻译

5. 突然想到茶心前几天来看我时,我送了她一小盆矮种兰,台湾仙绿,荷形花瓣的,两棵亭亭玉立,且暗结珠胎
    Cha heart suddenly came to see me a few days ago, I gave her a small-dwarf species of orchids, Taiwan Green cents, a petal-shaped. two lovely young and dark beads fetal Guitar.

6. 珠胎什么意思

6. 秋霞与林国荣真心相爱,并已珠胎暗结,可惜林母为了儿子的前途着想坚决反对,一对薄命鸳鸯被无情拆散。
    Qiu Xia Lin Guorong and sincerely in love and has dark-fetal guitar, but Lin mother to son, resolutely oppose the sake of the future, one pair of mandarin duck Boming was mercilessly dismantled.