

理气[lǐ qì]


词典regulate the flow of vital energy and remove obstruction toit理气。

理气 汉英大词典

理气[lǐ qì]

{中医} regulate the flow of vital energy and remove obstruction toit

理气 网络解释

1. 理气在线翻译

1. tourism industry:工控:Industry control | 理气:tourism industry | 种业:seed industry

2. regulating vital energy:理化鉴定||physical and chemical identification | 理气||regulating vital energy | 理性筛选||rational screening

3. 理气的近义词

3. li qi:理明 li ming | 理气 li qi | 理事 li shi

4. danci.911cha.com

4. regulatetheflowofqivitalenergy:regulatetheexchangeofcommodities 调节商品交换 | regulatetheflowofqivitalenergy 理气 | regulatethefunctionofthespleenandstomach 理中