

琢石[zhuó shí]





词典broad stone琢石。

词典axed work琢石。

琢石 汉英大词典

琢石[zhuó shí]


broad stone; scotching; nigging; axed work

琢石 网络解释

1. 琢石的意思

1. axed work:axe 斧子 | axed work 琢石 | axhammer 锤斧

2. cut stone:cut roof 屋顶台地 | cut stone 琢石 | cut through door 无门坎门

3. ashlar:ashiver 颤抖的 | ashlar 琢石 | ashlared 长方石砌成

4. 琢石

4. nidged ashlar:nick break test 缺口冲辉验 | nidged ashlar 琢石 | nigged ashlar 琢石

琢石 双语例句

1. 琢石的意思

1. 您是否再盼望琢石者是您的首要敌手?
    Do you expect Stoner to be your chief rival again?

2. 琢石什么意思

2. 毫无疑问我强烈比去年盼望琢石者是如坚强或者,并且我知道我们将必须做一次巨大,巨大战斗打他。
    Without a doubt I expect Stoner to be as strong, or stronger than last year, and I know we will have to make a great, great fight to beat him.

3. 由于琢石的昂贵,沉重,难以运输,需要专业的泥水匠来安装等特点,所以通常不被使用。
    Dressed stone, however, was rarely used because it was expensive, heavy, and difficult to transport and required a team of professional masons to install.

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4. 整形块石嵌饰墙面的''。'长条'。''形琢石
    A thin, dressed rectangle of stone for facing walls.

5. 他在上世纪40年代末定居西德,学过琢石和雕塑,之后转向写作。
    He settled in the late 1940s in West Germany and trained as a stonemason and sculptor before turning to writing.