

琳琅满目[lín láng mǎn mù]

词典a superb collection of beautiful things琳琅满目。

词典a dazzling array of beautiful exhibits琳琅满目。


词典a feast for the eyes琳琅满目。


词典a great variety of beautiful things琳琅满目。

琳琅满目 汉英大词典

琳琅满目[lín láng mǎn mù]

a superb collection of beautiful things; a dazzling array of beautiful exhibits; a feast for the eyes; a great variety of beautiful things; dazzling; glistening; glittering; A multitude of beautiful things dazzled the eyes.; The eyes are fully filled with

  例:展品琳琅满目, 美不胜收。

    One is dazzled by the endless array of beautiful exhibits.; The exhibition is a feast for the eyes.

琳琅满目 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. a superb collection of beautiful things:尽收眼底 command a panoramic view of | 琳琅满目 a superb collection of beautiful things | 鳞次栉比 placed closely side by side

2. an eyeful of goodies:如画的 picturesque | 琳琅满目 an eyeful of goodies | 流连忘返 too delighted to leave

3. 琳琅满目在线翻译

3. an eyefull of goodies:如画的 picturesque | 琳琅满目 an eyefull of goodies | 流连忘返 too delighted to be homesick

4. a superb collection of beautiful things; an eyeful of goodies:乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick | 琳琅满目 a superb collection of beautiful things; an eyeful of goodies | 鳞次栉比 row upon row of; packed with