1. 瑶贝的翻译
1. 江瑶贝在市场上很少见,许多市民围着看新鲜。王嫂问:多少钱一斤?
Pinna shellfish are rare in the market, many people around the fresh look. asked: How much is a pound?
2. 也就是说,江瑶贝可与海参鲍鱼相媲美。
In other words, Pinna Becquerels comparable abalone with sea cucumber.
3. 瑶贝
3. 摊贩告诉王嫂,在咱沿海有这么一句俗语:海参鲍鱼江瑶贝。
Told vendors in Our coastal saying so: sea cucumber abalone shellfish Pinna.
4. 瑶贝在线翻译
4. 现在咱们市场上卖的这些江瑶贝,是出口挑剩下的次等品。王嫂仔细观察,果然看到每个江瑶贝壳都有残缺。
Let the market now sell these Pinna shellfish is exported out of the remaining second-class goods. careful observation, really have to see each Pinna incomplete shells.
5. 摊贩说,其实这并不影响口味,江瑶贝最好吃的地方是贝柱,呈乳白色,味道鲜美,肉质脆嫩,可直接蘸辣根生吃。
Vendors said that this does not affect the taste, Pinna Tony is the best place to eat Pui-chu, was white, delicious, succulent crisp, horseradish dip can be eaten raw.
6. 瑶贝的近义词
6. 在国际市场上,江瑶贝也是按个头大小定价。
In the international market, Pinna shellfish pricing is based on head size.