



生茧 双语例句

1. 生茧是什么意思

1. 如果你让著他们,他们会讲得你耳朵生茧。但是一旦你想看看他们的作品,他们的声势一下子就消失了,或者他们会以为你想看看他们的器材。
    They will talk your ear off for hours if you let them, but as soon as you ask to see their portfolio their bravado scurries away, or they think you want to see their cameras or stocks.

2. 生茧的解释

2. 也只有真正热爱自己所做的工作的人才会去投入一门会使自己艺术最敏感的部位生茧的行业。
    Only someone who truly loved what they were doing would endeavor to play an instrument that callused the most sensitive parts of their fingertips.

3. 从坐下影片一开始,你就会像个疯子一样狂笑,只有到了影片结束你才会停下来,这部影片使人耳目一新,因为他不是好莱坞那些已经看的生茧的人演的影片,这是一部葡萄牙电影!
    As you seat in front of the screen you start laughing like a maniac and you only stop when the film ends.

4. 对了,发现没有,我得背景音乐改了,想必大家听范玮琪的《最初的梦想》也有点耳朵生茧了不是。
    Btw, haven't u discovered that I have changedmy background music.