



电丝 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 电弧炉设备的短路阻抗如加热器或灶具等电气设备中的阻抗电丝
    Short circuit impedance of arc furnace installation The resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven.

2. 电丝在线翻译

2. 最普遍使用的光源是电丝
    The most common illuminant is the electric- filament lamp.

3. 电丝的近义词

3. 如加热器或灶具等电气设备中的阻抗电丝.家用铜制蒸煮器用具,带加热元件,非电动
    The resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven. cooker, with heating elements, non-electric, of copper for domestic use

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 不要玩或咬电丝
    Do not play with or bite electrical cords.

5. 不要碰已损坏的或漏电的电丝
    Do not touch electrical cords that are broken or have wire showing.