

男傧相[nán bīn xiàng]



词典best man in a wedding男傧相。

词典a best man男傧相。


词典best man<美>男傧相。

男傧相 汉英大词典

男傧相[nán bīn xiàng]

paranymph; groomsman; best man in a wedding

男傧相 网络解释

1. 男傧相的近义词

1. groomsman:新郎(bridegroom)提前由男傧相(groomsman)陪伴提前站在圣坛(altar)前,新娘(bride)身穿白色婚纱在婚礼进行曲(Wedding March )中挽着父亲的右臂在伴娘(bridesmaid)的引导下缓缓步入圣坛前.

2. best man:best gold 最佳的一射 | best man 男傧相 | best of all 最好的

3. 男傧相在线翻译

3. a best man:a besetting sin 易犯的恶习 | a best man 男傧相 | a big deal 要人

4. bridesman:bridesmaid 女傧相 | bridesman 男傧相 | bridewell 感化院

男傧相 双语例句

1. 你知道,汤姆是我最好的朋友,他要我做他的男傧相
    You know, Tom is my best friend and he asked rne to be his bestⅡ1an. B:Did you promise him?

2. 亨利的婚礼将在情人节举行,我担任男傧相
    Herry`s wedding will be on the Valentine`s day. and I`ll be the bestman.

3. 但是今天,我是男傧相
    But today, I'm a groomsman.

4. 我是他的男傧相
    I was best man at his wedding.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 他是你的男傧相呀。
    He's your best man.

6. 男傧相什么意思

6. 在他的婚礼上我是男傧相
    I was the best man at his wedding.

7. 男傧相

7. 我现在邀请男傧相讲几句话。
    I now call on the best man to make a speech.

8. 男傧相在线翻译

8. 他们让我做男傧相
    They made me their best man.

9. 婚礼中配伴娘,男童,男傧相和迎宾员的观念源于这样一种信仰,即嫉妒新人幸福的邪恶幽灵会冒出来伤害他们,但如果婚礼上有许分着装类似的人,就能迷惑幽灵。
    The idea of having bridesmaids, pages, a best man and ushers originated with the belief that evil spirits, envious of the couple's happiness, would be out to harm them, but would be confused by so many similarly dressed people.

10. 当他最终抵达了教堂,他的男傧相就催促着他进了圣殿,登上圣坛,刚好仪式开始了。
    When he finally reached the church, his best man rushed him into the sanctuary and up to the alter, just as the ceremony was starting.

11. (为什么伴娘、男童、男傧相和迎宾员在婚礼中都穿着类似的服装呢?)
      J: Why do bridesmaids, pages, a best man and ushers dress similarly at weddings?

12. 克洛伊:他昨天出席朋友约翰的婚礼,做男傧相,致词时严重失言。
      Chloe: Well he was best man at his friend's, John's, wedding yesterday and he dropped a real clanger in his best man's speech.

13. 男傧相

13. 黛拉:那是一种风俗,新娘总是亲吻她的男傧相
      Della Leiter: That's a custom, you see. The bride always gets to kiss her best man.

14. 男傧相

14. 谁将担任你的男傧相
      Who is going to be your best man?

15. 尼尔婚礼上的男傧相在致辞中插入了一些粗鲁的笑话来博人一笑。
      The best man at neil's wedding spiced up his speech with some rude jokes.

16. 新郎和男傧相的钮孔上都戴了一朵白色的康乃馨。
      The bridegroom and the best man wore white carnations in their buttonholes.

17. 我结婚的时候是Curt做我的男傧相,几年以后当他和我妹妹的室友结婚时我又做了他的男傧相
      Curt was best man in my wedding, and I was his a few years later when he married my sister's roommate.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 因是乔治介绍彼得与萨拉相识的,由他来作他们婚礼的男傧相是最合适的。
      As George introduced Peter and Sarah it is only fit that he should be best man at their wedding.

19. 男傧相的解释

19. 男傧相的发方充满了各种各样关于新郎的俏皮话。
      The best man's speech contained all sorts of witticisms about the bridegroom.

20. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

20. 他们的家庭成员很多,所以他们的兄弟姐妹会做他们的男傧相和女傧相。
      They both have big families, so their siblings will be the bridesmaids and Groomsmen.