1. 男女老小
1. 汤水强调的是滋润,而不是补,所以无论男女老小和任何体质的人,都适宜在平时常喝。
The soup emphasizes in nourishment but not heaty. It is suitable for frequent consumption for all ages a health conditions.
2. 作者运用具象、变象、抽象表达了男女老小、各大民族,炎黄子孙、踏歌高吭,喜迎澳门回归的踏歌情怀和喜悦之情的内心体验,内在表现。
The author expresses excited and pleased innermost being from men and women, old and young thanks to greeting Macow return to China by the actual painting, the transformed painting, the abstract painthing among the descendants of Yan Di and Huang Di——the Chinese people within various great nationality all over China with singing accompanied by stamping of feet.