

画帖[huà tiè]

词典a book of model paintings or drawings画帖。

画帖 汉英大词典

画帖[huà tiè]

a book of model paintings or drawings

画帖 网络解释

1. 画帖什么意思

1. addi:画幅adda | 画帖addi | 画眉addj

画帖 双语例句

1. 画帖

1. 现在把你的星球画出来吧,把这幅画帖在墙上吧。
    Now draw a picture of your planet.

2. 画帖的意思

2. 我应该把这幅画帖上来,落款是后加上去的,就算中西合璧吧。
    I should paste his portrait here; the signature was added afterwards.