

疏虞[shū yú]

疏虞 双语例句

1. 疏虞的意思

1. 一战以后国家疏虞发展军备,直到1935年春季制定一项10年武备重整计划,该计划达到22个步兵师,3个不满编的骑兵师,3个山地步兵旅,还有以9个步兵师,1个骑兵师外加一个骑兵旅,以及一个山地步兵旅组成的预备队。
    After years of neglect, the Army was revamped with a ten-year national rearmament program established in the spring of 1935 which called for a list strength of twenty-two infantry divisions, three understrength cavalry divisions, and three mountain infantry brigades, with an organised reserve of nine infantry divisions, one cavalry division plus one cavalry brigade, and one mountain infantry brigade.

2. 疏虞保护的雇员将可能对由此所造成的损失和破坏负责。
    Employees who neglect this may be accountable for any loss or damage that may result.