

Doubt and confusion;
疑疑惑惑 双语例句

1. 你对我说的时候,我还有点疑疑惑惑的,现在你听好,不准你再这么装腔作势,我不答应。
    I had my doubts when you told me.

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2. 你对我说的时候,我还有点疑疑惑惑的,现在你听好,不准你再这么装腔作势,我不答应。
    I had my doubts when you told me. Now looky here; you stop that putting on frills. I won't have it.

3. 疑疑惑惑的近义词

3. 只有和他一起时,我才不再疑疑惑惑,才觉得脚踏实地,才能真真切切地感受到实际生活。
    My doubts disappeared only with him, and I felt I had my feet on the ground and was well established in real life.

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4. 她说,一个空荡荡的柜子,不见得比一个空杯子强多少,口气疑疑惑惑的,像是说旁白。
    An empty cupboard is no better than an empty cup, she said in an apocryphal aside.