

疯语 双语例句

1. 很多人认为这些歌词只是我的疯言疯语,但他们对我来说都有着特殊的含义。
    Unfortunately for me a lot of people thought I was just spouting drivel, but it all meant something to me!

2. 有时我在想是否所有所英语的人都应该因为这些疯言疯语被送进精神病院。
    Sometimes I wonder if all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.

3. 疯语的解释

3. 接着突然冒进来一个新名字,大谈疯人疯语
    Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, a new name entered, rambling on and on about being the presentment of madness.

4. 疯语的反义词

4. 你别认为这是疯人疯语,查理一世的引文可是出自著名历史学家J。
    In case you think this is just a deranged rant, the Charles I citation was from the distinguished historian J.