

疲怠[pí dài]


疲怠 双语例句

1. 布什说:我希望我们国家不会出现灾难疲怠征候。
    I hope the country does not have disaster fatigue.

2. 疲怠的翻译

2. 布什说:我希望我们国家不会出现灾难疲怠征候。
    I hope the country does not have disaster fatigue. The Red Cross is a

3. 疲怠

3. 我的皱眉,愤怒积聚在我的生活里,使我时常疲怠而郁闷。
    Honestly, my frowning, my loneliness, my umbrage inhabit my life and make me unhappiness all day along.

4. 之后,盖乌斯侵入亚美尼亚,起初战事进展顺利;但在阿尔塔哥拉附近的一次谈判中,由于过于轻信手下,被一个名叫阿杜乌斯的人所重伤。随后,他的身体日渐衰弱,精力疲怠,不复能为国家服务了。由于他身边总有对其过失也大肆吹嘘之徒——而阿谀奉承是和高位相伴随的——他就决定不返回罗马,而在这遥远的东方打发时日。
    Nor was there lacking the companionship of persons who encouraged his defects by flattery — for flattery always goes hand in hand with high position — as a result of which he wished to spend his life in a remote and distant corner of the world rather than return to Rome.

5. 病人是一位年事稍长的男人,论外表,身躯清瘦,面色苍白,神情疲怠,询问时表现焦虑,检查时态度不合作,颇难接近。
    The patient, on the surface, a thin, pallid, weary looking elderly man, with an appearence of anxiety on being questioned, and an attitude of giving no cooperation while being examined is hardly accessible.