

疲病 双语例句

1. 疲病什么意思

1. 近年来,国际国内动物疫病频繁爆发,暴露出我国重大动物疫病防控体系中存在的问题,而目前我国在重大动物疫病上仍实行严格的保密制度,极不利于我国重大动物疲病的科学技术研究、防控体系建设和国际合作与交流,严重影响了公众对动物疫病的正确认识。
    In recent years, many animal infectious diseases broke out frequently in domestic and international areas, which exposed some problems that existed in the severe animal infectious diseases prevention and control system in China.

2. 只要想想那许许多多的等候神者,他们都需要这样的祷告,有多少人疲病孤独,他们的祷告似乎没有得到回应,有时开始担心他们的希望将要落空,终至蒙羞。
    Just think for a moment of the multitude of waiting ones who need that prayer; how many there are, sick and weary and solitary, to whom it is as if their prayers are not answered, and who sometimes begin to fear that their hope will be put to shame.