



疾步 双语例句

1. 老尼克疾步如飞,就像拉着一辆空车一样。
    Old Nick went off with that load as if there were nothing in the cart.

2. 矮胖的朋友不得不疾步前驱才能赶上它同伴的脚步。
    The more portly abishai had to puff and scurry to keep up.

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3. 阿甘先天弱智,但上帝又赐予他一双疾步如飞的飞毛腿和一副单纯正直。
    Dr. eye: Forrest Gump is congenital and retarded, but God vouchsafes his one pair and walks quickly again if fleet-footed runner and one pair that fly are simple and upright

4. 我疾步如飞,来了;你两腿一蹬,走了。
    I am honestly, do you want me become your firiend.

5. 听到这话,我疾步跑开了。
    So, off I ran as fast as I could.

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6. 当他听到钥匙的叮当声或甲虫的疾步行走时。
    At the jingle of keys or the scurrying of a beetle.

7. 疾步

7. 他疾步如飞地跑了。
    He ran off as fast as his legs could carry him.

8. 我们以疾步行驶。
    Eg. We drove at top speed.

9. 他看见她沿着走廊向他疾步走来。
    He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him.

10. 疾步

10. 邓不利多对被损坏的画迅速地看了一眼就转过身来,他忧郁的眼睛看到麦格教授、卢平教授和斯内普教授疾步走向他。
    Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady.

11. 疾步什么意思

11. 她疾步冲到门口,挡住他的去路。
      She moved sharply across the room to block his exit.

12. 他用长剑掌舵,疾步向门口走去,背后挎着荒腔走调的竖琴。
      Steered by his rapier, he glides to the door, his wild harp slung behind him.

13. 疾步的解释

13. 二位从斯拉凯出来,全副武装,寻战厄夫罗伊人或心志豪莽的夫勒古厄斯人,不愿听纳双方的祈祷,而是只把光荣交送其中的一方。就像这样,墨里俄奈斯和伊多墨纽斯,军队的统领,疾步走向战场,顶着闪亮的铜盔。
      As when baneful Mars sallies forth to battle, and his son Panic so strong and dauntless goes with him, to strike terror even into the heart of a hero- the pair have gone from Thrace to arm themselves among the Ephyri or the brave Phlegyans, but they will not listen to both the contending hosts, and will give victory to one side or to the other- even so did Meriones and Idomeneus, captains of men, go out to battle clad in their bronze armour.

14. 我自己则学会了在结束了一天郁闷的工作之后,一边疾步行走一边大声叹气,但没有人会因为哭泣或者叹气就让脚步慢下来。
      I myself learned in the depressed end of a day s work, quick steps while running side loudly sighing and But no one is crying or let suspire pace slowed down.

15. 在纽约,经常发生交通堵塞,司机们千方百计地尽力抢先,马路上的行人也是疾步流星,对交通信号灯熟视无睹。
      In new york, where the streets are usually choked with traffic, drivers try in every way to get ahead of each other, while pedestrians run through the streets often disregarding traffic signals.

16. 总统疾步走出椭圆形办公室,来到阳光下,站到了放在草地上的一个小讲台旁边。
      The President bounded out of the Oval Office into the sunlight and stood at a lectern on the grass.

17. 过了一会儿,她又睁开圆圆的小眼睛,看着小鸡崽儿们高兴地欢歌高唱着、疾步跑过来,躺在她的双翅下。
      After a while, she opened her small and round eyes again, and saw her children singing happily and trotting over to lie down under her wings.

18. 我回想起我的初中校规,当然没有疾步冲向前台;可是当我按时赶到那里时,我发现叔叔正跟随一位女士走出店铺,手里拿着一只茶几。
      Recalling my work ethic in junior high school, I certainly didn't sprint to get there; I arrived just in time to see my uncle following a lady out with an end table in his hands.

19. 他沿着胸墙疾步走开。
      He walked off quickly round the parapet.

20. 疾步

20. 我立即起身说那太麻烦了,就疾步跟过去。
      At once I stood up and said it was too inconvenient, I then walked quickly to follow him.