

Be incurably sick;
病入骨髓 双语例句

1. 病入骨髓的翻译

1. 桓公特意派人去问扁鹊为什么不肯再来进见,扁鹊说:皮肤上的病,用药物敷贴可以治好;在皮肉之间的病,用针灸可以治好;在肠胃之间,服用汤药可以治好;如果病入骨髓,那生命就掌握在司命之神的手里了,医生是无法可想的了。
    Bian Que Huangong specially sent to ask why do they not come Jin Jian, Bian Que said: The skin disease can be cured with drugs Sticking; in the flesh between the disease can be cured with acupuncture and moxibustion; in the stomach between Taking him for the medical expenses can be cured; if Rugu Sui disease, and that life on the Si Ming in the hands of God's hands, doctors and no one could think of.