

白头偕老[bái tóu xié lǎo]

词典reach old age together -- said of a couple白头偕老。


词典be a faithful old hoary-headed couple白头偕老。


词典live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss白头偕老;白发偕老。


词典live together until old age白头偕老。

白头偕老 汉英大词典

白头偕老[bái tóu xié lǎo]

reach old age together -- said of a couple; be a faithful old hoary-headed couple; live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss; live together until old age; remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives; stick to each other till the hair turns grey:


    May you two live together till old and grey.

    婚礼上, 新娘和新郎表示要互敬互爱,白头偕老

    At the wedding party, the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would live in harmony and mutual respect and grow old together.

白头偕老 网络解释

1. I wanna grow old with you:03.I cry 我哭泣 | 04.I wanna grow old with you 白头偕老 | 05.Evergreen 地久天长

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2. live in conjugal bliss to a ripe old age:白马王子 Mr.Right ; Prince Charming | 白头偕老 live in conjugal bliss to a ripe old age | 百年大计,质量第一 A project vital and lasting importance calls for good quality

3. (of a married couple) to stick to each other till the hair turns gray:鸾凤和鸣 harmony in marriage | 白头偕老 (of a married couple) to stick to each other till the hair turns gray | 情投意合 to be congenial; to agree in taste and temperament

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4. Till death do us part:5 I will be your friend as well as your husband. 我会成为你的朋友兼丈夫. | 6 Till death do us part. 白头偕老. | 7 In sickness and in health. 患难与共.

白头偕老 双语例句

1. 白头偕老在线翻译

1. 亲爱的,你太好啦,人家对不住你,没能跟你白头偕老
    You`re so kind, darling. I am sorry I can`t accompany you until our hair becomes grizzled.

2. 不管是许个心愿,还是图个吉利,终究是为了和爱人一起白头偕老
    Xu either a wish or a Geely plans, and eventually to love Xielao old age together.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 随着离婚率上升,单亲家庭越来越多,数据统计,30%的婚仪你不能白头偕老
    The data show that 3 out of ten marriages will not last as long as both spouses live.

4. 一个能和我白头偕老的人
    Someone to spend the rest of my life with.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 我要和你白头偕老,丹尼
    I want to grow old with you, Danny.

6. 白头偕老的反义词

6. 我和你白头偕老
    You and I forever as one.

7. 我愿意和你白头偕老
    I'd spend a lifetime with you.

8. 今天,我告诉了我9个月的女朋友我已经准备好与她白头偕老
    Today, I told my girlfriend of 9 months that I was ready for marriage and start having kids.

9. 我只希望在平淡的日子中与你白头偕老
    My dream is to grow old with you and die in your arms.

10. 白头偕老什么意思

10. 如果不能和我爱的你白头偕老,那就让我成全你的成全。
    BE PATIENT. Sometimes you have to learn the same thing over and over again.

11. 白头偕老的反义词

11. 现在我有了自己的家庭,但是我之前很害怕结婚,我在想`天哪,50%的婚姻是以白头偕老而告终的。
      I have a family now but i used to be really scared about marriage, i was like wow~, 50% of all marriages end up lasing forever.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 有一种爱叫做白头偕老,而我,想要这种爱!
      There is a love called the white-headed conjugal bliss, and I wanted to kind of love!

13. 家,是老夫老妻携手谱写的一曲白头偕老的赞歌,家,是丝丝白发。
      This blog is about a journey of a LEAF and also sharing of art, fashion, movies and events...

14. 你得确定你找到了合适的人跟你白头偕老,你知道的,坐在安乐椅里,看着漫画傻乐呵的那种。
      You've got to definitely make sure it's the person you want to grow old with. You know, sitting on rocking chairs giggling at the comics.

15. 白头偕老之歌—黄苗子、郁风艺术展,中国美术馆,北京,2007年4月
      National Art Museum of China, Beijing, April 2007

16. 祝你们爱情甜蜜,白头偕老
      I wish you happiness in love, that you live to a ripe old age in marital bliss.

17. 无论世界如何纷繁复杂,我只想和你过一种简单的生活,相儒以沫,白头偕老
      No matter how complicated the world is, I just want to enjoy a simple life with you, share the nice and tough time together, forever.

18. 汤姆·勒弗罗伊:你们怎么能够和一个不爱的人相儒以沫,白头偕老呢?
      Tom Lefroy: How can you, of all people, dispose of yourselfwithout affection?

19. 希望你白头偕老,相爱永远〕时
      Wishing both of you stay until both's hairs are white and old, beloving each other forever

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20. 二叔生自己老伴的气:本来说好的,我们两个白头偕老
      You used to promise that we`d live together till old and grey.