

白皑皑[bái ái ái]

词典dazzlingly white白闪闪;白皑皑;皑。

词典white and clean白皑皑。

白皑皑 汉英大词典

白皑皑[bái ái ái]


dazzlingly white; white and clean (usually said of snow)

白皑皑 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. bai ai ai:白鸽眼 bai ge yan | 白皑皑 bai ai ai | 白皑嘥 bai ai sai

2. 白皑皑在线翻译

2. ibaa:iayh 奥运会 | ibaa 白皑皑 | ibbp 抱不平

白皑皑 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 我从小就喜欢雪,喜欢飘雪的日子,喜欢那雪后清新的空气,喜欢对着白皑皑的天宇,深呼一口气的那种惬意,喜欢阳光下,白雪折射出的斑斓光彩,喜欢在雪地上,滚雪球、堆雪人、打雪仗的追逐嬉戏,喜欢在雪地上的散步,脚下发出的咯吱咯吱的声息,喜欢那身后雪地上留下的一串串足迹,更喜欢雪在我心底留下的童年欢笑、带着苦辣的记忆
    I have always liked snow, snowing like the day after the snow like the fresh air, like the front of white-capped Tian, deep breath call the kind of nice, like the sun, the snow reflects the gorgeous luster, like the the snow, snowball, snowman, snowball fight of the chase playing like a walk in the snow, at the foot of the noiselessly issued Lozhikazhi, like the snow left behind a string of footprints, preferring to leave the snow in my heart childhood laughter, with Kula's memory......

2. 白皑皑

2. 广东来的那个男孩看到白皑皑的雪很是惊讶。
    The boy from Guangdong was amazed at the white snow.

3. 他的头顶、眉骨及瘦削的下巴上,都覆盖着白皑皑的寒霜。
    A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin.

4. 它是在为大地编织厚厚的洁白的羽绒衣,那白皑皑的雪,覆盖着整个世界。
    The white snow is covering the entire world.

5. 当冬季降临到日本,白皑皑的雪覆盖了群山。
    When winter comes to Japan, snow blankets the mountains.

6. 它是老人们回忆起白皑皑的童年岁月时日渐昏花的眼中所闪现出的一幕幕甜蜜的往事。
    It is the banality of a TV advertisement pimping Coca Cola on a snowback at Sun Valley.

7. 白皑皑的雪化成了水滴,而水滴则一点点的被焦黄色的土地吸收掉。
    Snow-snow into water droplets, while the drop is a little bit of land has been absorbed coke yellow.

8. 白皑皑

8. 黑夜里星光点点,白皑皑的积雪中的道路显得更黑了,前一天,即是作战的那天下了一场雪。
    The night was dark and starlit; the road looked black in the white snow that had fallen on the day of the battle.

9. 越过眼前土黄色的山丘,隐约已经可以看见远处雪峰的白皑皑的峰顶。
    Looks over the ocher-yellow massif, the pure-white peaks of the snow mountains have come into view indistinctly.

10. 白皑皑的翻译

10. 白皑皑的雪铺满田野。
    The fields were covered with pure white snow.

11. 白皑皑的浪花有规律的拍打着海岸。
      White-crested waves slap the beach with rhythmic regularity.

12. 扎哈尔的黑色的雪橇在白皑皑的雪地上还可以看得清楚,但是它已经驶到很远的前方去了,低沉的铃声也渐渐隔远了。
      Zahar's sledge could be distinctly seen, black against the white snow, a long way ahead now, and its deep-toned bell seemed to be getting further away.

13. 白皑皑的解释

13. 在《冬日行旅》中他又施展了另一套技巧,高贵地利用画布上的空白,令无色而有形地存在著的冰雪于白皑皑中更见突出。
      However, Winter Hiking poses a different technique with Choi's elegant use of empty space to further highlight the colorless yet tangible existence of snow in pure white.

14. 把喧闹的城市街区抛在身后,沿着白皑皑的公路前往山岗。
      There is a wonderful joy in leaving behind the noisy city streets and starting out along the white road that leads across the hills.

15. 头一遭,四周都被白皑皑的冰山围绕,身子虽然因为低温而冷的颤抖,但心里却是暖呼呼的感动,而负责按相机快门的食指更是一刻都停不下来!
      Taking advantage of some down time between European shows, I finally was able to fulfill my long-held dream of traveling to the Alps and started my 11 day tour of the glaciers in the Alps.