

白纱[bái shā]


白纱 双语例句

1. 白纱的反义词

1. 过了一些时候,白纱窗帷渐渐地带了空幻的色彩,而变得更加美丽了。
    Gradually, she imagined she could see colours on the white curtain; they became even more beautiful.

2. 你的身影荡漾在微柳下,眼若秋波,白纱撩动,静若伊人,在湖一畔。
    Waves in the shadow of your micro-Liu, the eye if Qiubo, white static if the Iraqi people, the banks of a lake.

3. 白纱的近义词

3. 老长一块儿白纱,像雪幔似的遮住了那张小裁缝台。
    Lengths of white veiling, like a snow- flurry, buried the little work-table

4. 白纱的意思

4. 老长一块儿白纱,像雪幔似的遮住了那张小裁缝台。
    Lengths of white veil ing, like a snow-flurry, buried the little work-table

5. 白纱的翻译

5. 倒数第二个出场的王菲通过升降台缓缓升起,当天王菲一身白纱长裙,妆容清淡从头至尾双手合起放在胸前,外形酷似圣女。
    Penultimate game of the Faye Wong lifts slowly rising through the day, a white dress Wong, from start to finish look light hands on their chests together, like Joan shape.

6. 我是那个穿白纱让你在亲友面前出糗的人
    I'm the girl that stomped on your heart.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. 我是那个穿白纱让你在亲友面前出糗的人
    I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your hear t in front of your entire family!

8. 白纱的反义词

8. 是的,每个小女孩都梦想着穿白纱的盛大婚礼。
    Yes, every little girl dreams of a big white wedding.

9. 我可以穿白纱戴白手套吗?
    Can I wear a white dress and white gloves?

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 从这画卷中能看到的其实更多:幽幽地水草在水中招摇、漂落的树叶在眼前缓缓滑过,偶尔泛起的阵阵涟漪使得那天、那建筑、那柳树充满了生命的动感,变得奇幻且有诗意;天寒地冻的时候也会披上朦胧白纱,把一切都收藏起来;在你冷不防之际,荡出一叶轻舟,让你惊觉原来对世界的观察是如此的大意。
    The scroll actually shows more: the gentle swaying of water plants under the water, falling leaves slowly passing by your eyes, occasional rippling making the sky, the building, and the willow trees look as if they were full of power of life, suggestive of poetry and changeability. When the weather is cold and the ground is frozen, the scroll will also throw on an obscure veil, to hide everything. Sometimes however, quite unexpectedly, a light boat will swing out, so that you get surprised as if your observation of the world has been so negligent.

11. 白纱

11. 一份静谧、一份纯美,入冬以来的第一场雪就这样悄然而至,如梦如幻地朦胧了大地,为无垠原野披上了一层厚厚的白纱
      A quiet, a Veronika, since the first snow of winter so hotels specifically catering, LOFTY to dim the earth, for the boundless wilderness covered with a layer of thick white gauze.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 有200人会看到你穿着白纱
      People are gonna be looking at you in a clean, white dress.

13. 礼品详细说明:一对身穿婚纱礼服的高级红酒,新娘的吊带白纱上穿满珍珠,新郎的礼服上还有红色的蝴蝶结。
      Gift Details: A pair of the body penetrates high-grade red marriage yarn ceremonial dress liquor, bride's suspender penetrates the full pearl on white yarn, still has the red bowknot on bridegroom's ceremonial dress.

14. 白纱的翻译

14. 记得当时你披上白纱我们还收到很多餐具吗?
      Remember when you wore the white dress and we got all the flatware?

15. 我是那个穿白纱,让你在亲友面前出糗的人
      I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family!

16. 白纱

16. 在那里,他们看到一个身着轻柔白纱的女子,背对着他们婷婷立在中央,她在轻声唱着歌,唱着那首将他们带到这里的歌曲。
      There, they found a woman dressed all in soft and white silk stands back to them. She is singing, singing the song that brought them here.

17. 经过几年来的潜心经营管理,我们积累了一些成熟的生产管理经验,特别是对特白纱的开发,收到独特的效果。
      Over years of conscientious management, we have accumulated some rich experience in production management, especially in the development of extra white yarn, for which we have been rewarded to the best advantage.

18. 白纱的近义词

18. 老长一块儿白纱,像雪幔似的遮住了那张小裁缝台。
      Lengths of white veiling, like a snow-flurry, buried the little work-table.

19. 普外科里的气氛并没有因为我的到来而改变,还是那般不堪入目,有的头上缠着白纱带,打扮得像木乃伊。
      The atmosphere in the surgery have no because of my arrival but change, still that sort is unbearable to go into eyes, have of the head tie up white yarn to take up, dressing to be like mummy.

20. 白纱的翻译

20. 一袭白纱,素裹玲珑,翩跹舞步,却也盈盈如昔。
      Dressed in white, Su-wrapped exquisite, lightly dance steps, but also graceful as ever.