

白纸黑字[bái zhǐ hēi zì]


词典put it down in black and white白纸黑字。

词典was written down in black and white.白纸黑字。

词典written in black ink on white paper白纸黑字。

词典black characters [letters] on white paper

词典black and white白纸黑字,黑白片,单色;青红皂白;书面形式;印刷。

白纸黑字 汉英大词典

白纸黑字[bái zhǐ hēi zì]

put it down in black and white; (All this) was written down in black and white.; written in black ink on white paper; black characters [letters] on white paper:

  例:白纸黑字, 有案可查。

    (The declarations, etc.) are written down and recorded.

    白纸黑字, 铁证如山。

    These ironclad details are irrefutable proof in black and white.