

Furry white;
白茸茸 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 多少年来磨坊主老头戴着尖顶帽,持着钓鱼杆,坐在这条狭窄的奥格斯特堤岸上安闲地钓鱼,他的孙子卷起衬衣的袖口,把手伸进坛子里逐一地翻转挣扎着的银光闪闪的鲜鱼;多少年来,摩拉维亚人头戴毛茸茸的皮帽,身穿蓝色短上装,坐在满载小麦的双套马车上,沿着这条堤岸安闲地驶行,这些人身上粘满了面粉,赶着装满白面的大车又沿着这条堤岸驶去,――而今在这条狭窄的堤岸上,那些由于死亡的恐惧而变得面目可憎的人们在载货大车和大炮之间、马蹄之下和车轮之间挤挤擦擦地走动,互相践踏,直至死亡,他们踩在行将死去的人们身上往前走,互相残杀,仅仅是为着走完几步后也同样被人击毙。
    On the narrow dam of Augest, where the old miller in his peaked cap had sat for so many years with his fishing tackle, while his grandson, with tucked-up shirt-sleeves, turned over the silvery, floundering fish in the net; on that dam where the Moravians, in their shaggy caps and blue jackets, had for so many years peacefully driven their horses and waggons, loaded with wheat, to the mill and driven back over the same dam, dusty with flour that whitened their waggons―on that narrow dam men, made hideous by the terror of death, now crowded together, amid army waggons and cannons, under horses'feet and between carriage-wheels, crushing each other, dying, stepping over the dying, and killing each other, only to be killed in the same way a few steps further on.

2. 多少年来磨坊主老头戴着尖顶帽,持着钓鱼杆,坐在这条狭窄的奥格斯特堤岸上安闲地钓鱼,他的孙子卷起衬衣的袖口,把手伸进坛子里逐一地翻转挣扎着的银光闪闪的鲜鱼;多少年来,摩拉维亚人头戴毛茸茸的皮帽,身穿蓝色短上装,坐在满载小麦的双套马车上,沿着这条堤岸安闲地驶行,这些人身上粘满了面粉,赶着装满白面的大车又沿着这条堤岸驶去,——而今在这条狭窄的堤岸上,那些由于死亡的恐惧而变得面目可憎的人们在载货大车和大炮之间、马蹄之下和车轮之间挤挤擦擦地走动,互相践踏,直至死亡,他们踩在行将死去的人们身上往前走,互相残杀,仅仅是为着走完几步后也同样被人击毙。
    On the narrow dam of Augest, where the old miller in his peaked cap had sat for so many years with his fishing tackle, while his grandson, with tucked-up shirt-sleeves, turned over the silvery, floundering fish in the net; on that dam where the Moravians, in their shaggy caps and blue jackets, had for so many years peacefully driven their horses and waggons, loaded with wheat, to the mill and driven back over the same dam, dusty with flour that whitened their waggons—on that narrow dam men, made hideous by the terror of death, now crowded together, amid army waggons and cannons, under horses'feet and between carriage-wheels, crushing each other, dying, stepping over the dying, and killing each other, only to be killed in the same way a few steps further on. Every ten seconds a cannon ball flew lashing the air and thumped down, or a grenade burst in the midst of that dense crowd, slaying men and splashing blood on those who stood near.

3. 白茸茸的意思

3. 一个白茸茸的动物在我们面前数英尺跑过。
    A furry white creature ran just a few feet in front of us.

4. 当她白茸茸的脚从粉红花边小可爱伸出,小屁屁在一件松垮垮的比基尼泳裤下若隐若现之际,安琪儿望之不像好莱坞小明星。
    With her white hairy legs poking out from her frilly pink top and rear end peeking out from a saggy pair of bikini bottoms, Angel looks an unlikely Hollywood starlet.

5. 白茸茸

5. 我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。
    I tied it with fuzzy white yarn, and admired my work.

6. 天冷的时候我喜欢穿我毛茸茸的白毛衣,是嵌有宝石蓝和冰蓝图案的雪白纯毛毛衣分得清乳白和雪白的边线哈哈,冬天很暖和,它是我的雪绒
    Mami gave me the white highheel shoes as my birthday present inJanuary2005, it looks like a swan.