



白蒙 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 在山上一眼望过去,只能看见周围的岩石和白蒙蒙的雾。
    In the mountains in a single glance in the past, only to see the surrounding rocks and white misty fog.

2. 白蒙

2. 今早起来﹐外面又是一遍白蒙蒙。
    It's snowing agian. Outside is all cover by snow.

3. 如此来回反射的结果,便产生一种令人眼花缭乱的乳白色光线,形成白蒙蒙雾漫漫的乳白天空。
    So back and forth reflects the result, then produces one kind of dazzling cream color optical fiber, forms the misty white fog endless whiteout.

4. 白蒙是什么意思

4. 这是昨晚的续篇,因为我未看过这麼大雪啊,所以当早上看到外面白蒙蒙一遍的时候都挺兴奋,因为实在很好奇雪中的市心的模样,虽然知道没有交通,也决定要到市中心一看,於是一早便由位於伦敦南部的家一路步行到市中心,真的好冷好冷啊~现在急冻了的双脚还在解冻中。。。
    Generally speaking, I think it's still worth the price. At least, I didn't worry at all since I've discovered the problem. Besides, the people from Apple Store are really helpful, their services are excellent. Moreover, it's real quick, I had my machine kept there the day before yesterday, and I was informed the repair was done on the next day afternoon and could have it back anytime I want.

5. 白蒙的反义词

5. 老远望去,山巅伏霜如烟;白蒙蒙的烟霭,从雪白多树的山顶上袅袅上升,仿佛从烟囱里冒出来的。
    The far summit fairly smoked with frost; white vapors curled up from its white-wooded top, as from a chimney.

6. 白蒙

6. 山村笼罩在一片白蒙蒙的晨雾中。
    A hazy morning mist veiled the mountain village.

7. 白蒙蒙的薄雾弥漫山谷。
    A milky mist filled the valley.