

白藤[bái téng]



词典cane plant白藤。

词典calamus tetradactylus白藤。

白藤 汉英大词典

白藤[bái téng]

rattan; cane plant; calamus tetradactylus

白藤 网络解释

1. 白藤

1. Calamus tetradactylus:yingjiangensis)、白藤(Calamus tetradactylus)等. 以竹藤科研单位为依托,选择我省特产优质鲜笋云南甜竹(Dendrocalamus brandisii)集中分布地区进行反季栽培和集约经营试验示范(试验示范规模为10000亩),选择具备一定条件的竹笋加工厂攻关研究鲜笋活体保鲜技术,

2. 白藤

2. Shirafuji:Shiozu 盐津. | Shirafuji 白藤. | Shiraga 白神.

3. Rattan palm:Rat-tail cactus 鼠尾掌 422 | Rattan palm 白藤 18 | Red bird 红雀珊瑚 172

白藤 双语例句

1. 用于编织藤制家具的家族成员主要竹藤、白藤和赤藤。
    Rattan weaving furniture for family members of the main bamboo and rattan, white rattan and rattan Chek.

2. 白藤的意思

2. 基于上述目的,本论文选择黄藤、单叶省藤和白藤等3种我国主要栽培藤种为研究对象,研究这3个藤种的抗旱能力和水分利用效率,研究结果将为营林藤种的选择和藤林的经营提供理论依据和指导,对于提高藤林经营管理水平和产量具有现实的指导意义。
    This paper is to select such sought-after rattan species by comparisons of drought resistance and water use efficiency of Daemonorops margaritae, Calamus simplicifolius and C. tetradactylus, which are widely used rattan species. Completely randomized block designs was used in the experiment of studying drought resistance of three rattan species, with soil water content 45.0±5%, 57.5±5%, 70.0±5%, 82.5±5% and 95.0±5% of field capacity.

3. 白藤的解释

3. 斯里兰卡和印度南部的护卫灵因被用于马六甲白藤的茎干的长度而引人注目。
    Climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for''.

4. 白藤茎这种爬行植物的茎,用来制作柳条制品,拐棍和家俱
    The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, cane s, and furniture.

5. 白藤是什么意思

5. 今年,在湾仔的濠江边和斗门的白藤湖畔,又有两条新的酒吧街即将建成。
    This year, at the Hou Kong's Wan Chai and Doumen side of the White Lake rattan, and the two new Bar Street near completion.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 斯里兰卡和印度南部的护卫灵因被用于马六甲白藤的茎干的长度而引人注目。
    Climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes.

7. 白藤在不足全光照10%,益智在不足5%的光照下,仍然生长很好,它们都有很高的光能利用效率,分别是3.92%和4.11%,而且这两种植物都有一定经济价值,因此是营造多层多种混交林较理想的中下层植物。
    By reason of...

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 珠海市的主要旅游景点有大型历史文化景观圆明新园、四王大佛山旅游风景区、珍珠乐园、九洲城、珠海渔女、竹仙洞、金沙滩,白藤湖水乡风情游景区。正王你在筹建的有水族馆、海洋公园和板樟山城市观光索道等项在珠么目。
    Some of the major attractions include the grand cultural site of the New Yuan Ming Palace, the Four Great Buddhist Mountains, the Pearl Land, Jiuzhou City, Zhuhai Fisher Girl, Zhuxian Cave, Water World of Baiteng Lake, Golden Sand Beach, aquariums, Ocean Park, and Mount Banzhang.

9. 用喷灌系统形成有规律的供水量梯度研究白藤苗木生长与水分的相互关系。
    The water supply system was employed to produce a series of water supplies for studying the effects of water supply on the seedlings growth of Calamus tetradactylus.

10. 白藤

10. 现在鹤洲北接口离白藤头最近,5分钟就可以上高速,对于时间就是金钱的海鲜运输户来说,送货早点到市场,也就无形中增加了产品的价值,涨了腰包。
    Interface is now the North Island from Cape Calamus first Most recently, more than five minutes can be high-speed, time is money for seafood transport operators, the delivery to the market as soon as possible, it is virtually an increase of product value, up pockets.

11. 白藤花粉采集时间及萌发条件的初步研究
      Studies on the time of pollen collection and the conditions of germination in Calamus tetradactylus Hance

12. 白藤茎这种爬行植物的茎,用来制作柳条制品,拐棍和家俱
      The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture.