1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. 江南的细腻培育了精准的运营洞察力,从山涧汇聚、奔流而下的钱塘江给了我们勇于向前的魄力,自海溯流而上、百折千回而遇强越强的钱江潮水更给了我们开拓的胆识。
The subtleness in the region to the south of Yangtze has cultivated a concise insight for business operation. The rolling Qiantang River where mountain streams confluence brings us the bravery to march forward and the strong-willed Qiantang water that overcomes the tides, turns and twists brings us the boldness for exploration.
2. 百折千回的解释
2. 正如此,才有滚滚长江、浊浊黄河、涓涓细流,不惜百折千回争先恐后,投奔而来。
Is the case, only rolling the Yangtze River, Yellow River murky, trickle, at yue pleating scramble back to 1000, defected from.