


词典bright and clear高朗;皎白;明朗;皎洁。

皎白 双语例句

1. 但另一幅肖像显出深深的纹痕布满她皎白大理石般平滑的前额她少女时的那首玫瑰情诗曾在她婚礼中被咏唱,如今已经远去。
    The rose poem of her youth that her marriage sang is far behind.

2. 来吧,黑夜!来吧,罗密欧!来吧,你黑夜中的白昼!因为你将要睡在黑夜的翼上,比乌鸦背上的新雪还要皎白
    Come, night; come, Romeo; come, thou day in night; for thou wilt lie upon the wings of night Whiter than new snow on a raven's back.

3. 另外,你对月亮的感官能力可能也受到其它事的影响,如,你是否是在黄昏或是深夜观看月亮,是否是从树的后面去窥视即享受那射进来幽静的光彩,还是,是一个低挂在天空的大红色月亮或是高挂在头顶小而皎白的明亮。
    What`s more, your perception of the moon might be affected by other things, for example, by whether you`re seeing the moon in twilight or late at night, whether it`s peeking from behind trees or shining in solitary splendor, whether it`s a big reddish moon low in the sky or a smaller whiter moon closer to overhead.

4. 纤足如雪般皎白
    With little snow white feet.