



盲字 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 有头发谁想做癞痢?我盲字都不会,又没有手艺,我又不想做直销,我赚你钱,你赚亲朋戚友,这样要赚到几时?
    I does't want to do direct sell, direct sell is i take you money and than you take cousin and friends money, like this when can end and be rich?

2. 《纳西象形文字谱》的异体字及相关问题乐谱,印刷,或手写,用任何一种记谱法(例如首调唱名法,五线谱记谱法,简谱法,盲字记谱法)
    The Variants in Naxi Pictograph Character Chart; music printed or written in any system of notation (e. g., tonic sol-fa, staff notation, numerical symbol, braille)

3. 盲字

3. 其它的语言、数学和技术资料、音乐符号都可用布拉耶盲字来表示。
    Modifications also exist for other languages, for mathematical and technical material, and for musical notation.

4. 布拉耶盲字可以使用打字机,近来还有电动凸版机的发明。
    Braille typewriters and electric embossing machines are also used.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 多功能盲文机是一种帮助盲人获取并处理汉语布莱尔盲字的电子辅助装置。
    An electronic assistant device has been developed that helps the blind to access to chinese words.

6. 实验一以真词、伪词和假词为材料,采用字词复述任务探讨文盲字词加工的特征。
    The first experiment use the repeating task of words、pseudo-words and non-words to explore the characteristics of the Chinese words processing of the illiteracy.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 《纳西象形文字谱》的异体字及相关问题乐谱,印刷,或手写,用任何一种记谱法(例如首调唱名法,五线谱记谱法,简谱法,盲字记谱法)
    The Variants in Naxi Pictograph Character Chart; music printed or written in any system of notation (e.g., tonic sol-fa, staff notation, numerical symbol, braille)

8. 盲字的意思

8. 实验一以真词、伪词和假词为材料,采用字词复述任务探讨文盲字词加工的特征。
    The first experiment use the repeating task of words 、 pseudo-words and non-words to explore the characteristics of the Chinese words processing of the illiteracy.