相依为命[xiāng yī wéi mìng]
词典stick together and help each other in difficulties:相依为命。
词典are all in all together.:相依为命。
词典depend on each other for survival:相依为命。
词典keep each other company:相依为命。
相依为命[xiāng yī wéi mìng]
stick together and help each other in difficulties; (We) are all in all together.; depend on each other for survival; keep each other company; (They) mutually depended upon one another for (their) survival.; mutually depending on each other for living; rel
1. Interdependence:70.Not True不是真的 | 71.Interdependence 相依为命 | 72.The Key to Heaven通往天堂的钥匙
2. 相依为命
2. Rely on each other:reliable quality 质量可靠 | Rely on each other. 相依为命 | Remain uncorrupted. 两袖清风
3. to depend on each other for survival:相提并论 to be mentioned in the same breath | 相依为命to depend on each other for survival | 风马牛不相及 to have nothing to do with each other; to be totally unrelated
4. 相依为命的反义词
4. Depend on each other for survival:toil and moil 呕心沥血 | depend on each other for survival 相依为命 | eat, drink and be merry 吃喝玩乐