看守[kān shǒu]
(守卫、照料) watch; guard:
guard a storehouse
(监视和管理) guard:
guard prisoners
(监狱看守人员) gaoler; jailor; warder; guard; turnkey:
wardress; matron
1. 看守
1. guard n:In those boring letures,many students just sat gazing into the classroom window.在那些沉闷的课堂教学中,许多学生知识呆... | Guard n.警戒,警备;警卫员,看守,卫兵 | Be on your guard against pickpockets.谨防...
2. 看守
2. watch over:29.fail to pieces垮台; | 30.watch over看守; | 31.carry on继续下去;
3. watch v:Watch n.表;看管,监视 | Watch v.注视,观看;看守,监视,照看;小心,当心 | You have to watch it when you step onto the ice.你走上冰面时一定要留神了!