1. 在《严处士传》与《荪谷山人传》中,许筠一方面阐发其不拘一格任用人才的观念,一方面塑造了理想中的不沽名钓誉、不做乡愿的真儒形象。
In his works Yan Chushi Zhuan and Sungu Shanren Zhuan, on the one hand, Hun kyun kept his idea of appointing people with special talents without any reservations on other considerations; on the other hand, he portrayed some real Confucian figures who hate to fish for fame and compliments or to become hypocrites.
2. 大儒陈白沙是从祀孔庙的岭南第一人和唯一人,陈白沙从祀孔庙的成功为其“真儒”形象的确立奠定了基础。
Chen Baisha, a great Confucian scholar, was the only one person of Guangdong to be elevated to sainthood and thus be honored in the Confucian Temple.
3. 第二部分为王令的生平与思想倾向,主要探讨在北宋儒学复兴的思想背景下,王令的真儒思想倾向及在真儒思想倾向的影响下王令的诗学思想。
It mainly approaches wang ling's real Confucian thought tendency and his poetics thought influenced by his real Confucian thought under the background of Confucianism risorgimento in the North Song Dynasty.
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4. 由于王令的真儒思想倾向和儒家传统的诗学观,其诗歌思想内容洋溢着现实意义。砥砺士风,针砭现实和抒写情怀是其主要方面。
Because of his real Confucian thought tendency and traditional poetics thought of Confucian, wang ling's poems are permeated with reality meaning and it encompasses encouraging morale, criticizing reality and expressing feelings, and so on.
5. 真儒的近义词
5. 黄宗羲有着崇高的真儒理想和坚定的成圣追求。
Huang Zong-xi has lofty ideal of pure confucianist and decisive pursuit of sage.
6. 儒家的仁与义、礼是不可分的,可分则非真儒。
Confucian benevolence and righteousness, propriety can not be divided, can be divided into non-real-ru.