

瞟一眼[piǎo yī yǎn]


瞟一眼 网络解释

1. 瞟一眼在线翻译

1. flash our eyes at sth:blink our eyes 眨眼睛 | flash our eyes at sth. 瞟一眼 | make eyes 抛媚眼

2. glance at:fire at向...开火, | glance at瞟一眼, | glare at怒目而视,

瞟一眼 双语例句

1. 瞟一眼是什么意思

1. 注意你迅速扬起眉毛,瞟一眼、带着一丝微笑吗,还有稍微持久的目光?
    Notice the quick little eyebrow raise you make, the sidelong glance coupled with the weak smile you give, the slightly sustained gaze you offer?

2. 学校里那些调皮的家伙没有一个不想看下那本神秘的书,那怕瞟一眼也好,可总没有机会。
    There was not an urchin in school but was perishing to have a glimpse of it, but the chance never came.

3. 瞟一眼

3. 我过来瞟一眼,看看究竟发生了什么。
    And I ducked in to see what the hell was going on.

4. 瞟一眼的翻译

4. 兄见他瞟一眼后无动于衷,直顾自己走上去。
    Brother see him have a glimpse of indifferent after, straight regard my went up.

5. 瞟一眼什么意思

5. 这样一来,你只用偶尔瞟一眼讲稿,而不用老盯着它看。
    That way, you can glance at your notes without being imprisoned by them.

6. 瞟一眼是什么意思

6. 只要瞟一眼法国媒体,认为法国是一个社会主义共和国的念头就不翼而飞了。
    A glance at French media dispels the notion that France is a socialist republic.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 当你滚回来的时候赶紧瞟一眼
    Take a quick iook as you roii yourseif back.

8. 经过这些男女,约翰和罗伊总要互相瞟一眼,约翰觉得有点窘,罗伊却觉得很开心。
    John and Roy, passing these men and women, looked at one another briefly, John embarrassed and Roy amused.

9. 瞟一眼

9. 昨天晚上,只是为了能瞟一眼偶像罗伯特帕丁森的风采,数以百计的少女像人墙一样把伦敦西区被层层包裹。
    London's West End was besieged with hundreds of teenage girls last night as they clambered for a glimpse of their idol Robert Pattinson.

10. 对男人而言,长相好指的是整体,是瞟一眼就能得到整体印象。
    In men, good looks is a whole, something taken in at a glance. I'm not a very inspiring sight.