

Cheomseongdae in land;
瞻星揆地 双语例句

1. 琉金狮头之美,美在其构造,瞻星揆地,上有狮头屹然坐镇,以高屋建瓴般的势态,汲取和煦天琼;下有琉金端然承载,以圆通四方的格局,聚敛深厚地气。
    The beauty of Ryukin Oranda, lies in its structure, observing the heaven above and scrutinizing the terrain below. On top of it Ryukin sits calmly to suck the harmonious sacred nectar with lofty stance, at the bottom of it, Oranda bears it dignifiedly to assemble profound breath of land with flexible pattern.