1. 知照的反义词
1. advise:retain 保存 | advise 知照 | lift 消除
1. 中古知照系的普通话今音一般是ts等,少数字例外,读ts等,与精组相混。
In contemporary standard Chinese pronunciation, the ancient characters of initial Zhi-Zhao-Xi are, generally speaking, pronounced as.
2. 知照是什么意思
2. 文章根据各方言中古知照系在近代演变的方向、进程的不同,将现代方言分为两大类型和若干小类型:A型——舌尖后音化,B型——舌尖前音化。
This paper aims at an analysis of these exceptions—the how and why about their historical evolution.
3. 我想知照你我有多爱你。
I want to show you how much Ilove you.
4. 我很遗憾地知照你,我卖前要摆脱了。
I regret to say I can`t accept your suggestion.
5. 知照我你的兴趣和乐爱。
Tell me about your interestes and your hobbies.
6. 知照的翻译
6. 您能知照我怎样来到车站吗?
Could you tell me how I can get to the station?
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. 我将你们引来此地,是要知照你们未来的运气。
And, now that I've lured you all here, I will tell you what destiny holds.
8. 知照的近义词
8. 我公司业务扩大,原办公室已不适用,故迁至…,请知照
I have been obliged to occupy larger premises, and that I have moved my office to…..
9. 知照的反义词
9. 气流分调是指中古帮端精知照见六母和滂透清彻穿溪六母因气流强弱的不同所引起的声调进一步分化的现象。
The tone-split by aspiration in HJH dialects not only embrace all the types of it found so far in all the Chinese dialects, but also has their own peculiarities.
10. 气流分调是指中古帮端精知照见六母和滂透清彻穿溪六母因气流强弱的不同所引起的声调进一步分化的现象。
The tone-spilt by aspiration refers to a phenomenon that the tones of characters with medieval initials disintegrate further caused by the air streams in intensity of initials.
11. 知照的近义词
11. 青岛市外商投资企业服务系统保留随时修改或中断服务而不需知照会员的权利。
QFISSC reserves the right to amend or intermit service without apprizing Member.
12. 知照的翻译
12. 你去知照他一声,说我已经回来了。
Please go and tell him I am back.