

矮人观场[ǎi rén guān chǎng]

词典the dwarf seeing a show -- follow suit without knowing why矮人观场。


词典A short fellow sees the show -- an inexperienced man takes others' ideas as his own.


词典follow the reaction of others without opinion of one's own矮人观场。

词典lack independent judgement矮人观场。

矮人观场 汉英大词典

矮人观场[ǎi rén guān chǎng]

the dwarf seeing a show -- follow suit without knowing why; A short fellow sees the show -- an inexperienced man takes others' ideas as his own.; follow the reaction of others without opinion of one's own; lack independent judgement; like a dwarf who can't

矮人观场 双语例句

1. 社会啊,请您告诉我们的孩子要相信自己的判断,不要矮人观场,人云亦云;告诉我们的孩子要学会兼听则明,以事实为准绳,去伪存真;告诉我们的孩子要学会笑对失败的痛楚,让他们深深地懂得,涟涟的泪光并不可耻,失败中不乏辉煌,成功中仍有遗憾。
    Teach them to follow their judgment and not the crowd. Teach them to listen to all people, but to filter all they hear through a screen of truth. Teach them to laugh when they are sad, but also teach them that there is no shame in shedding tears. Teach them there can be glory in failure and despair in success.