1. Stone-drain:碎石 Stone-chip | 石沟 Stone-drain | 碎石道 Stone-foundation
2. 石沟的近义词
2. OGK:6944 VWK 郑旺 | 6945 OGK 石沟 | 6946 EDK 相邸
1. 石沟的近义词
1. 就是像《西石沟》这一类的作品吗?
And when did you become a career painter?
2. 三种小生境中,石沟生境比较有利于土壤动物生存。
In three kinds of microhabitats, stone gully is advantageous to soil animal survival.
3. 石沟的解释
3. 辖19个村委会:黄盖淖、西营子、小井沟、大井沟、大苟营、西大井、郝家营、田官坊、战石沟、东山坡、双爱堂、小格赖、北滩、东坡、林源、口山、义合、富河、贺家营子。
Village committee jurisdiction: Angulinao黄盖West yingzi, small groove big groove Well, big business Gou, West Dajing, Hao camp, 田官Square, 石沟war, the East slope, double love together, small Grein, North Beach, SU, Lin Yuan, mouth Shan, meaning together, Fu River, He Jiali yingzi.
4. 石沟
4. 对阳煤集团贵石沟矿区平面控制网的设计和测量成果提出了改建方案。
Based on the design and survey results, a reform scheme of the planar control network in Guishigou mining area is put forward.
5. 石沟
5. 尽管如此,顺着石沟往下走还是轻松些。
Still it seemed convenient to follow in the groove of rock.
6. 摘要在1:25万鸡西市幅区域地质调查中,于早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期阿尔布-赛诺曼期猴石沟组砂岩中发现大型脊椎动物化石。
Many large vertebrate fossils were discovered in the sandstone of the late early Cretaceous-early lat Cretaceous Albian-Cenomanian Houshigou formation during regional geological survey of the1:250000 Jixi City sheet.
7. 石沟
7. 板石沟铁矿上青矿经过近几年的实践摸索,最终采用电炉烧水的蒸气疏通冻孔的方法,解决了冬季生产冻孔难题,并取得了较好的经济效益。
People had tried many methods to solve this problem. Finally, the method of using electric oven to produce steam for melting the freezing is selected that brings good profit to mine.
8. 对主干逆冲断裂带及其间的逆冲推覆体带、逆冲席带和低应变区的特征进行了详细描述。石沟驿朵体的物源来自大罗山逆冲席隆起;
The main thrust-slip fault belts and the nappe structure zones, thrust sheets and low strain regions lying in between the main thrust-slip fault belts are described in detail.
9. 而一年中,土壤年平均含水量和年变幅均表现为:石沟>石槽>土面。
But during a year, average water content of soil and year change range shows: stony gully stony trough soil surface.
10. 贵石沟五矿住宅区公路声屏障设计方法研究
Case Study of Sound Barrier Design Against Highway Noise for a Residential Area
11. 以板石沟铁矿上青矿区西端岩移问题为例进行了分析计算。
Analysis and calculation are illustrated by the specific example of ground surface movement at the west Shangqing mining field.