

破门而入[pò mén ér rù]

词典break into houses破门而入。

词典break in打断;闯入;开始工作;(使)逐渐适用。

词典burst door open破门而入。


词典force open破门而入。

词典break into闯入;打断;突然做;把…分成。

破门而入 汉英大词典

破门而入[pò mén ér rù]

break into houses; break in; burst door open; force open

破门而入 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. break into:12. gymnastic adj. 体操的 | 1. break into 破门而入; | 2. belong to 属于

2. you know, when they found her:Well, the police had to break|the door open...,|警察发现她时不得不 | ...you know, when they found her.|破门而入 | I didn't charge you for it,|though.|这我不收你钱

3. 破门而入

3. break in:assault and battery 口骂手打 | break-in 破门而入 | burglary 入室行窃

4. break into the house:88、both...and...两者都... | 89、break into the house破门而入 | 90、breathe fire喷火