1. manifest the stillness:manas consciousness 末那识 * | manifest the stillness 示寂 * | the Manjushri's Five-syllable Mantra <<文殊五字真言>>
2. to indicate the way of nirvana:示教 To point out and instruct. | 示寂 to indicate the way of nirvana. | 告示 A proclamation; to notify.
1. 示寂的意思
1. 不久之后,在尼泊尔的清晨时分,萨杰仁波切在禅定境界中示寂,也示现了不少的瑞相。
After a short time in Nepal, in early morning, he passed away in meditative state with many signs.
2. 天启丙寅,示寂」:也是在明朝吧。
Tian Chi was the name of the reign period.
3. 公元一九九七年十二月二十八日夜,大上座比丘,慧命老法师在美国加州达摩镇万佛圣城中安祥示寂。
Bhikkhu Nanajivako Maha Thera died peacefully during the night of December 28, 1997, at his home at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Talmage, California.