

礼部[lǐ bù]

词典the Ministry of Rites in feudal China礼部。

礼部 汉英大词典

礼部[lǐ bù]

the Ministry of Rites in feudal China

礼部 双语例句

1. 吉礼部分主要考察了吴天上帝与地祗、社稷,宗庙,风、雨、司寒、百神,岳镇海渎,先代帝王,文宣王与武成王等六方面的情况;宾礼部分主要考察了蕃夷和二王三恪的情况;军礼部分主要:考察了亲征与巡狩,献俘与宣露布,劳军与饮至,讲武与田狩,大射与观射,日食救护与大傩驱邪等六方面的情况;嘉礼部分主要考察了朝参与朝贺,册命,婚,宣赦,上尊号与上寿,观稼,尊师与乡饮酒等七今方面的情况;凶礼部分主要考察了丧葬、谥法、服制三方面的情况。
    They are the rituals of happiness, the ritual for guests, the rituals for armies, the ritual for celebrations and the rituals for funerals. They are explored in 5 chapters. In the part of the ritual for happiness, 6 aspects are explored. They are God, the god of the field, states, temples of ancestors, the god of wind, the god of rain, the god in charge of winter, hundreds of gods, the god of the mountain and the sea, prior emperors, Confucius and Jiangshang; In the part of the ritual of guests, the savage tribes and """"er wang san ke"""" are mainly explored, In the part of the ritual for armies, 6aspects are explored.

2. 礼部的解释

2. 至保和殿,皇帝降舆,应礼部尚书奏请到中和殿升座,鸿胪寺官引导典礼中执事的各级官员行三跪九叩礼。
    Then, the official from the Court of State Ceremonial will lead the all the officials present to kneel down and kowtow in front of the emperor.

3. 礼部的解释

3. 长期以来,音韵学界对《增修互注礼部韵略》的研究缺乏应有的重视,时至今日,尚无一部综合研究的论著问世。
    Over a long period of time, attentions to the studies on Zengxiuhuzhulibuyunluehave not been paid enough in thefield of phonology.

4. 礼部的解释

4. 陈旸,福建闽清人,北宋绍圣元年贤良科进士,官至礼部侍郎,所著《乐书》二百卷近百万字,保存了大量宋及宋以前的音乐史料,具有很高的历史、文化价值。
    Generally regarded as the earliest encyclopedic volumes of musicology in Chinese history, and perhaps even in world history, Yue Shu has been an important and indispensable work of reference in the study of Chinese music.

5. 乾隆六年,王奉召赴京,晋谒礼部侍郎方望溪,以此茶馈赠。
    Qianlong six years, were called to Beijing, Wang, Fang Wang晋谒礼部Creek侍郎as tea gifts.

6. 是皇帝御赐给陈家礼部尚书陈诜的妻子的。
    The wife of Chen Shen, Minister of Rites.

7. 当时,泊头在朝的回族官员御史石三畏、礼部沿书余继登,用这批木料修缮了清真寺。
    At that time, Botou North Korea's official censor Hui Shi Samuel Wells Williams, the Board of Rites, following along the book I posted, with these wood repair of the mosque.

8. 礼部的解释

8. 古代府级考试及第的童生称秀才;乡试考中者称举人;在京师礼部会度及第者称贡生;由皇帝亲自主持的殿度及第者称进士,其中又分三甲:一甲三名,即状元、榜眼、探花,俗称三鼎甲或三及第;二甲名额较多,三甲就更多了。
    Ancient House-examination and the Tong-sheng said scholar; Provincial Examination in the examinations were claimed; In the capital and the extension of the will of Health said Gong; Presided over by the emperor himself in the house and say Jinshi, and the top three: 1 A 3, the scholar, second, the EU, commonly known as TLC and A or 3; dimethyl more places, more on the top three.

9. 礼部的解释

9. 当君臣们相聚一堂时,一个叫李至刚的礼部尚书提出了一个建议。
    And after that, he returned to the Nanjing imperial palace.

10. 它主要负责朝廷重要的仪式(比如祭祀天,地,祖宗等),科举考试和接待外国客人。礼部相当于现在的教育部和外交部。
    The board of rites was similar to the ministry of education and protocol department of the ministry of foreign affairs.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 由於通过礼部分科考试的诗人,其心态已和当初准备考试前的徬徨大不相同,且此时社会大众亦将其视为准官员看待,因此将其纳入此章讨论。
      Because the minds of those whom passed the imperial test were much different with before, and the society also took them as officers, those poets should also be discussed in this chapter.

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. 其陵寝管理机构庞大,由礼部、工部、户部、内务府等职能机构,在官员铨选、职责、树木管理等方面均有定制。清光绪朝殊批奏折反映出:慈禧太后及光绪皇帝对陵寝管理方面均高度重视,对东西陵管理经费,都给予充分保证,在维修、祭祀、树木种植、保护等方面多次饬令户部、工部、直隶省额外拨付银两。
      The organization of the royal tombs was very gigantic which included department of ceremony, department of project, department of finance, neiwufu etc., the Qing government regulated on how to choice the officer and official and their duties, management of trees around the tombs etc.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 大学士自太和殿左门入,从诏案上捧出诏书放在宝案上,内阁学士盖印,再将诏书捧出交礼部尚书,由其捧至丹墀正中的黄案上,行一跪三叩礼。
      After that, the grand secretary, when entering the Hall of Supreme Harmony via the left door, will take with care the imperial decree from the table and place it on the imperial table.

14. 礼部是什么意思

14. 他与明代杰出的科学家,后来官居礼部尚书的徐光启合译的《几何原本》,对西方平面几何知识在中国的传播起了巨大的作用。
      The " Elements "(of Euclides Geometry) which Ricci and Xu Guanqi, an outstanding Ming scientist and minister of rites, jointly translated, spread the knowledge of plane geometry in China.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. 她说在嘉礼部的什么地方来着?
      Where did she say in garibong-dong?

16. 首先,在韵部的合并上,毛晃父子把《礼部韵略》的108 韵合并为93 韵,从《增韵》今圈、增入又音中又可以去掉4韵,则为89 韵。
      First, in the rhymedepartment merge, Mao Huang merged Libuyunlue`s 108 rhymes to93 rhymes, from Zengyun`s now circle and words in-rhyme, we can remove 4rhymes, then that is 89 rhymes.

17. 礼部在线翻译

17. 是皇帝御赐给陈家礼部尚书陈诜的妻子的。
      The emperor presented the plaque to Cha, the wife of Chen Shen, Minister of Rites.

18. 礼部什么意思

18. 据史书记载,唐贞观十五年,唐室宗女文成公主远嫁,唐太宗派礼部尚书李道宗持节护送公主入藏,途经河源时,文成公主与事先驻礼在柏海迎候公主的松赞干布举行盛大婚礼,观赏河源风光。
      Middle the tawu, lucky steps, the Gande area annual mean precipitation 474─540.9 millimeter, the year precipitation date number 118─162 day. Because the sea dials high, the atmospheric content only occupies inland about 60%, in one year does not have division the four seasons, only then difference changes in temperature, but separately is usually called the changes in temperature two seasons the winter and the summer.

19. 他与明代杰出的科学家,后来官居礼部尚书的徐光启合译的《几何原本》,对西方平面几何知识在中国的传播起了巨大的作用。
      The " Elements "(of Euclides Geometry) which Ricci and Xu Guanqi, an outstanding Ming scientist and minister of rites, jointly translated, spread the knowledge of plane geometry in China.

20. 三年时间他在清朝六个部兼过五个部的副部长,除了财政部,干过吏部、工部、刑部、礼部侍郎,他很会做官,官声很好。
      The third was serene, which means one`s mind, breath, bering and posture being in a peaceful and relax state.