1. Never give up hope:4)不放弃克服困难的钥匙--自恃. Never give up the key to overcome difficulties-be proud of yourself | 5)祈望. Never give up hope. | 6)业精于勤荒于嬉. Success comes with diligence.
2. prayer n.1:I pray you to be careful.我请你无比小心. | prayer n.1祈祷,祷告2祷文,祷辞3祈求,祈望 | precaution n.预防,防备,警惕
3. prayer:pray 企盼,祈望;祈祷,祷告 | prayer 祷告,祈祷;祷文,祷词;祈求,祈望 | preach 布道,讲道;竭力鼓吹,宣传;说教,唠叨
4. 祈望什么意思
4. pray:powerful 强壮的,强健的;强大的,有力的 | pray 企盼,祈望;祈祷,祷告 | prayer 祷告,祈祷;祷文,祷词;祈求,祈望