

祖亲 双语例句

1. 眼看着这些形状出现,在变化中繁殖,被选中,发生形状的分枝,再次精选,然后通过若干个世代距祖亲样本渐离渐远,生成更加复杂的形状,不论是理智还是直觉都无法回避这样一个印象:西姆斯实际上正在繁育[5]图像。
    Watching the forms appear, multiply in variation, get selected, ramify in form, winnow again, and begin to drift over generations to ever more complicated shapes, neither mind nor gut can escape the impression that Sims is really breeding images.

2. 本研究采用RAPD技术分析了甘蔗29份栽培品种与12份祖亲种的亲缘关系。
    Sibship between 29 sugarcane cultivars and 12 ancestor species was analysed with RAPD.

3. 甘蔗祖亲种特异DNA探针构建及应用研究进展
    Advance in Construction and Application of Specific DNA Probes from Sugarcane Parental Species