

神位[shén wèi]

词典a spirit tablet神位;神主。

词典memorial talet神位。

神位 汉英大词典

神位[shén wèi]


a spirit tablet; memorial talet

神位 双语例句

1. 神位的解释

1. 别忘了是谁给你神位的。
    Do not forget it was I who made you a god ghost of Sparta.

2. 但是,我要告诉你的是,不要发誓,或者指天发誓,因为,上天是上帝的神位
    But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne

3. 我们相信神是三而一的神:圣父,圣子,和圣灵,是神位格的体现。
    The Son is completely obedient to the Father, and is the image of the Father on earth.

4. 然后,把喜爱的书架,安放在哪神位的地方。
    I ignored his warning and insisted in moving it.

5. 神位的翻译

5. 但是,也要烧。把祖先神位放在家小厅的中间。
    When my mom lived with us, she used to do the burning job.

6. 雅典娜;不要忘了是我帮助你登上神位的,斯巴达之魂。
    Athena: Do not forget that it was I who made you a god, Ghost of Sparta.

7. 神位的反义词

7. 祖先神位、菩萨和领袖画像都是他们的心灵/精神生活的一部分。
    Ancestral altars, deities and portraits of leaders are part of a mental/spiritual health system.

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8. 首先是拜神,即在院子里摆上香案和神位,烧香点烛,要下阴间的女孩子要先沐浴。
    Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.

9. 神位的翻译

9. 神位忌安置在太岁的凶煞方。
    Bogey tablets placed in the凶煞Phi Thai side.

10. 这些村里人平时拜祭的神位,或在村头村尾的小庙宇里,或在我们平时纳凉的大榕树下,有些香火,甚至插在路旁的一撮狗尾草中。
    The god that these village people do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for at ordinary times, or in the small temple in end of village head village, or below the big banyan that enjoys the cool at ordinary times in us, some burning incense, insert in wayside one gather green bristlegrass even.

11. 神位是什么意思

11. 神位忌安置在道的上方。
      Bogey tablets placed in the top of Road.

12. 比如不能面对社公、社坛、土地公、花婆神位和坟墓解小便。
      For example, the public agency can not face the social scene, Earth, Flower God tablets and urine solutions graves.

13. 到这一天,村民们摇船至运河塘岸,先将带来的猪鸡鱼等在蚕花娘娘神位前祭招,然后参加比赛。
      To this day, the villagers Yaochuan to the canal pond shore, fish, pig and chicken first brought to spend the empress in the silkworm tablet strokes before the festival, and then race.

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14. 壮族妇女一生下孩子,就开始敬花王神位以祈求保护孩子。
      As soon as the Zhuang woman has a child, she begin to worship the Flower Lady to protect her child.

15. 你们这些土偶木梗,你们高坐在神位上有什么德能?
      You even wood stems of these territories, you have a high sitting on a tablet, what Germany can?

16. 那些头人们继升匾、祖牌入座之後,随又齐刷刷地在安置好的杨公先师神位前,奏响民乐,燃放鞭炮,行三拜九叩大礼,并念起精心编写好的告文:于山苍苍,梅水洋洋,杨公
      Following are the first people or plaque, after the ancestral licensing seated, with the uniform again in the resettlement of a good teacher Yang tablets ago, played folk music, set off firecrackers, the three call-nine al gift, and念起been carefully prepared text: in the mountain gray, plum water lengthy, Yang