

神出鬼没[shén chū guǐ mò]

词典come and go like a shadow神出鬼没。

词典act swiftly and wittingly神出鬼没。

词典alert and quick神出鬼没。


词典divinely appearing and demonically vanishing神出鬼没。

神出鬼没 汉英大词典

神出鬼没[shén chū guǐ mò]

come and go like a shadow; act swiftly and wittingly; alert and quick; divinely appearing and demonically vanishing; with great dexterity and preternatural swiftness; appear and disappear in quick succession; appear and disappear mysteriously; appear like

  例:游击队在敌人后方神出鬼没地活动, 敌人无奈他何。

    The guerrilla units mysteriously appear and disappear in operation behind enemy lines, without the enemy's being able to do anything about them.

神出鬼没 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Spooks:[本文摘要] 据国外媒体报道,BBC表示,诸如<<火星生活>>(Life On Mars)、<<小不列颠>>(Little Britain)、<<神出鬼没>>(Spooks)等剧集将于初期进行发售,标准售价为1.89英镑,来自BBC的数十个系列的节目都可以轻松买到.

2. appear and disappear all of a sudden;be preternaturally swift;be elusive:in all ages;at all times;since remote antiquity古往今来 | appear and disappear all of a sudden;be preternaturally swift;be elusive神出鬼没 | be born today and die tomorrow;be shortlived朝生暮死

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Ghost:Gecko Skinning 扒蜥蜴皮 | Ghost 神出鬼没 | Harmless 无辜嘴脸

4. 神出鬼没什么意思

4. You can barely see her haunts:One of them has taken the form of a little old woman.|一个打扮成一个瘦小老女人的样子 | You can barely see her haunts.|神出鬼没 | She have try to poison me already.|她已经尝试过毒死我了