神工鬼斧[shén gōng guǐ fǔ]
词典“divine” workmanship -- extremely skillful
词典extraordinary as if done by the spirits:神工鬼斧;鬼斧神工。
词典superlative craftsmanship:神工鬼斧。
词典supernatural [uncanny
神工鬼斧[shén gōng guǐ fǔ]
“divine” workmanship -- extremely skillful; extraordinary as if done by the spirits; superlative craftsmanship; supernatural [uncanny; extremely skillful] workmanship; the secret workings of nature
1. 神工鬼斧的解释
1. 高山层岩之美来自大自然的神工鬼斧,天然的质地、明快的色泽、粗犷的风格,让您的建筑更显与众不同。
The beauty of the Alpine-layer rock comes from the natural prodigious skills, the inartificial material
2. 神工鬼斧什么意思
2. 两仪殿内还供奉众多的道教神仙像,其造型之美,工艺之精,可谓神工鬼斧,精美绝伦,很多被列为国家一级文物、艺术精品。
Queen honors also creating numerous Taoist immortals like, the beauty of its form, of the sperm, is Shengongguifu, absolutely beautiful, many were classified as a national heritage and fine arts.
3. 两仪殿内还供奉众多的道教神仙像,其造形之美,工艺之精,可谓神工鬼斧,精美绝伦,很多被列为国家一级文物、艺术精品。
Queen honors also creating numerous Taoist immortals like the beauty of its form of the sperm is Shengongguifu absolutely beautiful many were classified as a national heritage and fine arts.
4. 神工鬼斧
4. 闻名于世的龙头岩景点也是由火山喷发铸就的,伫立海边,抚摸坚利、铁锈色的崖壁,凝视那栩栩如生的龙头,不得不使人感叹大自然神工鬼斧般的造化。
Leading world-famous rock spots created by the volcanic eruption, the sea stands, and Kennedy Lee stroked, rust-colored cliff, staring that the leading life, people have to sigh Shengongguifu nature as good luck.
5. 神工鬼斧的解释
5. 雕像中的莫愁女姿态优美,一手捧着一篮花朵,一手轻轻地放在篮边,衣裙轻微的浮动,体现出她神采奕奕的神情,更能体现出雕刻者——唐大福的神工鬼斧。
Statue of the Mo-woman stance beautiful, hand holding a basket of flowers in one hand gently on the basket side, dresses minor fluctuations, the expression shows her his voice better reflect the sculptor - Tang Tai Fook The Shengongguifu.
6. 高山丘陵,大漠戈壁,绿洲草原,构成了酒泉地区独特的自然景观,大自然的神工鬼斧,创造出众多山川形胜,蔚为奇观。
Alpine hills, the Gobi desert, the oasis of grassland, Jiuquan region constitutes a unique natural landscape, natureshen gong gui fu, many mountains and rivers to create win-shaped, become a spectacle.