

神秘莫测[shén mì mò cè]

词典be veiled in mystery奥秘莫测;神秘莫测。


词典be enveloped in mystery神秘莫测。

词典be rapt [shrouded

词典wrapped] in mystery

神秘莫测 汉英大词典

神秘莫测[shén mì mò cè]

be veiled in mystery; be enveloped in mystery; be rapt [shrouded; wrapped] in mystery; mysterious and hard to guess; so subtle [mysterious] as to be difficult [hard] to guess what comes next

神秘莫测 网络解释

1. incredible:12. outstanding独步天下 | 13. incredible神秘莫测 | 14. brilliant辉煌卓越

2. 神秘莫测的近义词

2. supernatural:15 titanic 威力无边 | 14 supernatural 神秘莫测 | 13 world class 独步天下