

神采焕发[shén cǎi hàn fā]

词典full of spirit and energy神完气足;神采焕发。

词典brim with energy and vitality神采焕发。

词典with a joyful face神采焕发。


词典with sparkling eyes神采焕发。

神采焕发 汉英大词典

神采焕发[shén cǎi hàn fā]

full of spirit and energy; brim with energy and vitality; with a joyful face; with sparkling eyes; happy look

神采焕发 双语例句

1. 神采焕发的意思

1. 我用的唇彩就内含橘子精油,可以让我瞬间神采焕发
    My lip gloss has the essential oil orange in it which unquestionably lifts my spirits in an instant.

2. 他满面笑容,神采焕发,整个身子露出幸福的气派。
    He was smiling, beaming, and his whole figure was radiant with happiness.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 他一面说一面来回走动,聪明的瘦脸上神采焕发
    He was pacing as he talked, his lean clever face electrically alive.

4. 单位介绍联合利华的使命是让您的生活更具活力并使您心情愉悦、神采焕发、享受更加完美的生活。
    Unilever's mission is to add vitality to life and help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.