

票子[piào zi]



词典bank note钞票,纸币;票子。

词典paper money纸币,钞票;票子。


票子 汉英大词典

票子[piào zi]


bank note; paper money; bill

票子 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. tessera:tessellation 镶嵌装饰 | tessera 票子 | tessera 入场卷

2. tiket:tikar , 草席 | tiket , 票子 | tikung , 弯曲

票子 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 不可能买到星期六晚上的票子了。
    There is no chance of a ticket for Saturday's evening show.

2. 一张去瓜达拉哈拉的票子要1,200美元?!
    Betty:$1, 200 for a ticket to Guadalajara? !

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 在银行栏柜,银行职员当真检查了每张票子,看是否有假。
    At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real.

4. 在银行栏柜,银行人员认真查抄了每张票子,看是否有假。
    Bt the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 我们口袋里有的是叶子?,实在没有必要去考虑抢更多的花票子,在小巷里推操某个老家伙,看他倒在血泊中,而我们则清点捞到手的进项,然后四人平分;也没有必要去店里对瑟瑟发抖的白发老太施以超级暴力,然后大笑着,卷着钱箱里的存款扬长而去。
    Our pockets were full of deng, so there was no real need from the point of view of crasting any more pretty polly to tolchock some old veck in an alley and viddy him swim in his blood while we counted the takings and divided by four, nor to do the ultra-violent on some shivering starry grey-haired ptitsa in a shop and go smecking off with the till's guts.

6. 票子的反义词

6. 我总共剩下三张一元钱一张的票子、五个二十五分、一个一分的刚蹦儿——唉,离开潘西之后,我把一大笔钱统统花光了。
    All I had was three singles and five quarters and a nickel left----boy, I spent a fortune since I left Pencey.

7. 我道别后,父亲把我拉到一边,往我手里塞了5张100元的票子
    After I said my good-byes, my father took me aside and pressed five $100 bills into my hands.

8. 俱乐部的几个成员把一大把票子拿到外面去和我们的朋友一起作推销宣传。
    A few of the members took a bunch of tickets out and beat the drum for the play with our friends.

9. 俱乐部的几个成员把一大把票子拿到外面去和我们的朋友一起作推销宣传。
    A few of us the members took a bunch of tickets out and beat the drum for the play with our friends.

10. 他说:我们俱乐部的几个成员把一大把票子拿到外面去和我们的朋友一起作推销宣传。
    A few of us club members took a bunch of tickets out and beat the drum for the play with our friends.

11. 票子的翻译

11. 当一个朋友给了吉姆一张比赛的票子,他就不得不去。
      When a friend gave Jim a ticket to the game, he couldn't help but go.

12. 请给我四十张10元,二十张5元的票子,其余的随您。
      B:Forty tens and twenty fives, please and the rest as you would like.

13. 票子在线翻译

13. 他们说了种种的理由,预想了种种可能的障害结末说,还是再考虑以下的好我真感谢他们,当然不敢说不必再行考虑,只好半开玩笑的说,吉人天相,安慰他们激动的心情半开玩笑的说现在,他们接到我安全到达汉口的消息,他们也真的安慰了安心安慰不说我自己犯不着,人家也太费心了重庆路有那么难走公共汽车站排队往往等上一个半个钟头天天为了票子去跑,实在吃不消再说和自己暂时脱离关系,换上他人的身份,虽然人家不大爱惜名气我却不愿滥用那些名气。
      I can travel with my true identity.

14. 票子

14. 重庆的路又那么难走,公共汽车站排队往往等上一个半个钟头,天天为了票子去奔跑实在吃不消。
      Going around is hard in the city of Chongqing. You have to queue up for at least 30 minutes or more to get on a bus. It would really be too much for me to go about for the ticket every day.

15. 他免费给了我两张锦标决赛的票子
      He gave me two Cup Final tickets free, gratis and for nothing.

16. 温斯顿找了两张皱巴巴脏兮兮的票子交上去。那帕森斯便拿个文盲特有的齐整字儿,记到一个小本本上面。
      W in ston found and handed over two creased and filthy notes, which Parsons entered in a small notebook, in the neat handwrit in g of the illiterate

17. 票子是什么意思

17. 没有第三排的票子了,是吗?
      There's nothing in the third row, is there?

18. 没有第三排的票子了,是吗?
      There's nothing In the third row, be there?

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. 系腰带时我突然想起她是如何把那张一百法郎的票子装进钱包的,情急中她把钱包塞进衣柜上层了,我还记得她的动作—踞起脚尖要够到那层。
      As I was buckling my belt it came to me like a flash how she had stuffed the hundred franc note into her purse. In the excitement of the moment she had thrust the purse in the wardrobe, on the upper shelf. I remembered the gesture she made – standing on her tiptoes and reaching for the shelf.

20. 票子

20. 我有两张温氏肿瘤的票子,我有两张……
      I got two for the Winslow tumor, I got two..