


词典demand draft即期汇票。

票汇 网络解释

1. 票汇

1. Demand Draft:即期外汇又分为电汇(Telegraphic Transfer T/T)、信汇(Mail Transfer M/T)和票汇(Demand Draft). 在浮动汇率制度下,由于汇率不稳,经常大幅度波动,而电汇收付外汇的时间较短,一定程度上可减少汇率波动的风险,因此,

2. 票汇的意思

2. D/D,remittance by banker's demand draft:documents against acceptance,D/A承兑交单 | D/D,remittance by banker's demand draft票汇 | D/P after sight,documents against payment after sight远期付款交单

3. 票汇

3. egnahcxefolliB:修保的的......受享eetnaraugraey...araeB | 票汇egnahcxefolliB | 单货提gnidnalfolliB

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Demand Draft,DD:信汇 Mail Transfer,MT | 票汇 Demand Draft,DD | 托收 Collection

票汇 双语例句

1. 我来跟您解释,其余两种是信汇和票汇
    I will explain for you. The other two are mail transfer and demand draft.

2. 与信汇和电汇不同的是,票汇是可以转让的。
    Country. D/D is transferable, which is different from M/T and T/T.

3. 不同的信用工具有不同的汇率,即电汇汇率、信汇汇率和票汇汇率。
    The price of one currency in terms of another is called rate of exchange or exchange rate.

4. 例2:票汇:买方应不迟于2007年9月15日将100%的货款邮票会的方式与付给卖方。
    The buyer shall pay 100% of the sale proceeds in advance by D/D to reach the seller not later than Sept.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 您可根据自己需要任意选择电汇、汇和票汇三种方式办理业务。
    You can select a method from T/ T, M/ T and D/ D on the basis of your own needs.

6. 票汇的解释

6. 汇付分信汇、电汇和票汇三种。
    Ways of remitting the money: mail transfer, telegraphic transfer, and demand draft.

7. 分类:有电汇、信汇、票汇三种方式,目前我行提供电汇和票汇方式。
    Classification: Telegraphic transfer, mail draft and demand draft. Currently, CCB offers the first two means.

8. 电汇是一种由于汇款速度快捷,在实际业务中应用最为广泛,其银行收费相对票汇较高,除汇款手续费之外,还需收取相应的电讯费用。
    Telegraphic transfer money is a kind because remittance speed is quick, apply in real business most extensive, its bank collects fees opposite bank note is collected taller, except remittance poundage, still require the telecommunications cost with corresponding collection.

9. 您可根据自己需要任意选择电汇、信汇和票汇三种方式办理业务。
    You can select a method from T/T, M/T and D/D on the basis of your own needs.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 您则可以选择票汇
    You can still choose demand draft.

11. 票汇的解释

11. 银行即期汇票所做的汇款称为票汇
      Remittance by banker's demand draft is often referred to as D/D.

12. 票汇

12. 您可根据自己需要任意选择电汇、信汇和票汇三种方式办理业务。
      You can select a method from T / T, M / T and D / D on the basis of your own needs.

13. 外管只给你一纸批文,你凭批文去银行电汇,票汇,或开旅行支票带出境都可以。
      But you must going to study degree directly and so that you can change the tuition and living expense.