






祭日 网络解释

1. gala:gakwer /伸长脖子呆看的人/ | gala /祭日/ | galactaemia /乳血症/

2. festa:festa 祝宴 | festa 祭日 | festally 如节日地

3. Saijitsu:Saigu 祭宮 Saishu | Saijitsu 祭日 | Saikai 斎戒

4. 祭日什么意思

4. Shiva:03.Mantra Rhythem 颂歌 | 04.Shiva 祭日 | 05.Indian Nights 印度之夜

祭日 双语例句

1. 祭日的意思

1. 我相信,当你穿过黑暗世界的时候是脚步缓慢的,因为我在用祭日的乐曲拖拽着你的灵魂。
    I believe, it was slow when you being pushed into the darkness, because I singing a memorial song to let you turn back again and again.

2. 明年的今天,就是你的祭日
    The same day next year is you fete day!

3. 祭日的近义词

3. 古代帝王有春天祭日,秋天祭月的社制,民家也有中秋祭月之风,到了后来赏月重于祭月,严肃的祭祀变成了轻松的欢娱。
    Emperors have spring, autumn on offering of death, MinGu have social midautumn festival offerings to the wind, to celebrate on offering months after a serious of sacrifice, became relaxed joy.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 李光明:明天是我妹妹跟我妹夫的祭日,我特别煮了一些他们喜欢吃的东西,一大早拜拜他们。
    Li guangming: tomorrow is fete-day of my sister and her husband. I prepare some special food they liked, and want to worship them early morning.

5. 求证负责为阿梅丧礼剪辑片段的金广诚,他说:「依家公祭日未必会播阿梅片段,反而举殡膜曋|有五分钟舅軉q畀大家重温。
    King Kwaong Shing said: On the day of public homage, MV might not be able to be played. But on the day of funeral service, 5 minutes MV will play to people to review her life.

6. 明代天子祭日要用太牢、礼三献、乐七奏、舞八佾、行三跪九叩大礼。
    Ming Dynasty emperor to use memorial day, three wreath ceremony, music is played seven, eight dance-yi, the gift.

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7. 最后一章我们从宏观角度综述了祭日与射日两个重要的专题,并且对射日神话之寓意做了新的探析。
    Chapter 8 summa-rizes'Shooting at the Sun'and'Enshriningthe Sun'these two significant topics in atemporal way and offers a new perspective onthe implications of the myth of'Shooting atthe Sun'.

8. 祭日是什么意思

8. 是酒神祭日的狂欢节吗?
    Was it a bacchanalia? Was it a fortress?

9. 祭日的解释

9. 韩佳,这就是举行祭日仪式的拜台啊?
    Han Jia, is this the altar wherethe ceremony was carried out?

10. 今天是我母亲的祭日,我祈求一位圣人的祝福。
    This is a day of remembrance of my mother.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 你说,每年我的祭日,你都会徒步登上那座山
      You were gracious enough to give out your prints to everyone to have..

12. 每年在他祭日的这一天,好孩子就会收到他的礼物。
      On the anniversary of his death each year, good children received gifts.

13. 现在,一个案件可以作出的大部分时间,这些战争,其下降的荣誉,我们就祭日
      Now, a case can be made for most of these wars, whose fallen we honor on Memorial Day.

14. 我看见露西成了个龙钟老妇,在我的祭日为我哭泣。
      I see her, an old woman, weeping for me on the anniversary of this day.

15. 如今,他的祭日,12月29日,成了布隆迪的一个固定节日。
      The day of his death, December 29th, is now a fixture in Burundi's calendar.

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16. 在中国古代,帝王有春天祭日、秋天祭月的礼制。
      In ancient China, emperors followed the rite of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn.

17. 祭日在线翻译

17. 后天是父亲三周年的祭日,我们没有机会为他做什么了,唯有希望父亲在天之灵安息。
      Although we couldn't do anything for father, we hope he is safe in the heaven.

18. 祭日的近义词

18. 每个人出生的时候都有一个生日,当他离去后,祭日便成为了他的生日。
      The time of birth of each person has a birthday, When he left, the memorial day as his birthday.

19. 生日,祭日,特别的场合,我们送贺卡。人们收到这些无聊的贺卡真的会很开心。
      We send cards and it actually does ha * ma * make people happy to receive this ridiculous card.