




祭衣 双语例句

1. 祭衣什么意思

1. 在第一座教堂围墙因地震毁损后,根据相同教堂的设计,而建造了一座新教堂,建造了一个新教堂,有一个半圆壁龛和两个祭衣间,我们不确定这个教堂建造的具体的时间。
    Following on the earthquake which laid waste the first church, the walls were demolished and a new church built according to the same basilica design, with an apse and two sacristies. We do not know when exactly it was erected.

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2. 在东边,教堂的屋顶用一块坚固的矩形石块结束,祭衣及圣器收藏室每一边都朝向通道,这种设计通常是由巴勒斯坦的拜占庭建筑师设计,主要是为圣祭礼仪的目的而设置,建筑中间的大石块是为了加强建筑的防震功能,以避免频频发生地震对教堂造成毁坏。
    On the east side, it ended with an apse in a solid rectangular block. A sacristy on each side opened into aisles. This plan was often followed by Byzantine architects in Palestine. The dual sacristies served liturgical purposes, while the mass of masonry in the middle strengthened the building against earthquakes which were frequent enough in this Sec of the world.

3. 以前它安置在园子里,但现在则要进到圣堂祭衣间门口才看得到了。
    It formerly stood in the garden but is now to be seen at the entrance to the sacristy.

4. 祭衣是什么意思

4. 耶胡对管祭衣的人说:「为所有敬拜巴耳的人,拿出衣服来!
    And he said to them that were over the wardrobe: Bring forth garments for all the servants of Baal.

5. 祭衣

5. 在这种情况下,但是,神父不能穿主教祭衣,他不得不使用chrism得天独厚的天主教主教。
    In such cases, however, the priest cannot wear pontifical vestments, and he is obliged to use chrism blessed by a Catholic bishop.

6. 祭衣在线翻译

6. 耶胡对管祭衣的人说:"为所有敬拜巴耳的人,拿出衣服来!
    Then Jehu said to the custodian of the wardrobe, " Bring out the garments for all the worshipers of Baal.

7. 祭衣的近义词

7. 你领亚郎和他的儿子一同前来,带着祭衣、圣油、作赎罪祭的公牛犊,两只公绵羊和一筐无酵饼
    Take Aaron and his sons, together with the vestments, the anointing oil, the bullock for a sin offering, the two rams, and the basket of unleavened food.

8. 祭衣的意思

8. Toscany公爵的弟弟Salvatore Luigi公爵送显圣容的画来装饰祈祷室,那幅画今天仍然保留在basilica的教堂内祭衣及圣器收藏室。
    To decorate the oratory the archduke Salvatore Luigi, brother to the Granduke of Toscany, sent a painting of the Transfiguration which is kept today in the sacristy of the basilica.

9. 清洁圣堂绝对不是一件容易的事。你可以想像得到,圣堂这一庞大的建筑物,包括祭衣房在内,实在有很多东西需要清理。
    The cleaning of the Church is not an easy task, as you can see the Church is a big building with lots of things to clean, sacristy included.