




福神 网络解释

1. mascot:福神(Mascot)越南公司已经为一座纺织工厂和一座仓库举行了奠基典礼,工厂和仓库建在HaiDuong省的TanTruong工业区. 丹麦大型工装制造商福神(Mascot)的一个下属公司已经为此项目投资700多万美元.

2. 福神的翻译

2. Billiken:billiards 台球 | Billiken 福神 | billing 演员表

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. God of Fortune; God of Blessedings:符 charm | 福神 God of Fortune; God of Blessedings | 供斋 to offer a vegetarian meal

4. Billikenmascot:BillGateschairmanofMicrosoft 盖茨 | Billikenmascot 福神 | Billings 比林兹

福神 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 公司主要腌渍菜产品为蜂蜜蒜,黑醋蒜,福神渍,酸梅瓜等,产品远销日本及国内各地。
    The products find a good sale in Japan and domestic all parts.

2. 这是鲁镇年终的大典,至敬尽礼,迎接福神,拜求来年一年中的好运气的。
    This is the great end-of-year ceremony in Luzhen, during which a reverent and splendid welcome is given to the God of Fortune so that he will send good luck for the coming year.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 福助是盒子里出生的福神通过自己的意志实现愿望作为愿望的代价年龄增加无法改变人们的想法出生的时候是婴儿的模样。
    Fukusuke born mascot is a box through their own will to fulfill the aspirations of the age as a desire to increase the price can not change peoples thinking was born infant looks like.

4. 福神的反义词

4. 福神化工科技-专业的过一硫酸氢钾复合盐制造商。
    Fushen chemical technology-professional than one acid compound hydrogen potassium salt manufacturers.

5. 我告诉过你了,我们已经有了福神了。
    I told you, we already have a mascot.

6. 福神定是住里边。
    Surely the God of Wealth dwells within.

7. 福神

7. 山门塑有哼哈二将;正殿和配殿分别塑有东王公、西王母、福神、禄神、财神、寿神和求仙的卢生、徐福、韩终、侯公、石生几位方士。
    There will be two plastic gate Heng Ha; the main hall and the wind-room were plastic east and the Princes, the West Queen Mother, mascot, Lu God, the God of Wealth, Shou God and the LU Sheng Qiu Xian, Xu, Han Zhong, HOU Gong, Shisheng several alchemist.